How do you know,that at baby fever in a dream? Only after waking up, when it cry. Not the most efficient method. As and the electron probe in the ear.
Is there a way out? Yes I Am. A real gift for parents made Blue Spark Technologies. The company introduced a new generation of thermometer. “Smart”, equipped with aflexible battery – in the spirit of the time. The device resembles a sticker and just perfect for kids: Attach and forgotten.
A gadget records the temperature in the range of 30 to 42 degrees Celsius. Moreover, not only in real time. Still available statistics the earlier sessions. Appropriate application – in stock.
One of the most useful features – alarm. The device Promptly notifies adults, when indicators are not correct. In what way? By sending notice via Bluetooth on mobile devices (within 14 meters). The information helps us to understand how things are going – for better or worse. Information can immediately send the doctor. Sounds good. The truth is there is no exact date of the appearance of the thermometer on the market